Understanding the Hubbard Clause in Real Estate

How this Contingency Can Impact Your Home Sale


Navigating the world of real estate can be tricky, especially when selling and buying homes simultaneously. One option that can ease this transition is the Hubbard Clause. This clause serves as a valuable tool for buyers who need to sell their current home before completing a new purchase. 

Understanding the Hubbard Clause in Real Estate

What is the Hubbard Clause? 

The Hubbard Clause is an addendum that makes your home purchase contingent upon selling your current property. Essentially, this means that if your home doesn’t sell, you are not obligated to go through with the purchase. This can provide significant financial relief and peace of mind, particularly in fluctuating markets. 

Benefits of Using a Hubbard Clause

Including a Hubbard Clause gives you more control over your transactions. First, it allows you to avoid the financial strain of owning two homes simultaneously. Additionally, it positions you to make offers on new properties without the fear of being stuck in a dual mortgage or having to rush a sale. By having this contingency, you can confidently search for your new home while waiting for your current property to sell.

Potential Drawbacks to Consider

While the Hubbard Clause offers advantages, it is essential to recognize potential downsides. Properties that include this clause may receive less attention from sellers. Some might worry that your sale could fall through, leading them to prioritize other buyers. Furthermore, negotiation dynamics may shift, so be ready to address these concerns proactively.

How to Navigate the Hubbard Clause Effectively

To maximize the benefits of a Hubbard Clause, work closely with your real estate agent. They can help set realistic timelines and strategize listings to attract buyers. Effective marketing can facilitate a quicker sale and help you stay competitive in the housing market. Be sure to communicate your needs with prospective sellers and show that you are a serious buyer working towards a successful transaction.


The Hubbard Clause can be a game changer in your real estate journey. By understanding how it works and its implications, you can make well-informed decisions. Both your current selling and potential buying can be more manageable and less stressful.  

Thinking about adding a Hubbard Clause to your next real estate purchase? Before you make that offer, connect with a knowledgeable real estate attorney today!


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